Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Brand Value of Influencer Marketing in 2018 [Infographic]

Due to the impact and widespread adoption of influencer marketing, Elizabeth Del Guidice and Jessica Bevilacqua from St. Joseph Communications put together a comprehensive infographic outlining the current and future trends in influencer marketing.
In a recent article, Irfan Ahmad pointed out an powerful statistic showing the value marketers see in influencer marketing today:

94% of marketers who use influencer marketing find it an effective practice, and influencer marketing can generate up to 11x the ROI of traditional advertising.
Irfan Ahmad

Jessica and Elizabeth shared some stats to highlight the increasing value of influencers: "With 39% of marketers planning to increase their influencer marketing budget in 2018, and 19% planning to spend over $100,000 per program, the growing importance of this industry is apparent."
Use the infographic below as a guide to better understand how marketers are using influencers to grow their business in 2018. This infographic touches on the industry’s growth over the next few years, ROI due to marketing campaigns, the differences between micro and macro influencers, and the social media platforms influencer's plan on utilizing most this year.

The Brand Value of Influencer Marketing in 2018

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