Blog Posts to Pinterest Pins
Your blog should be feeding your social media content pipeline, including Pinterest.
I know it seems counterintuitive that a largely text-based medium, your blog, could feed your content pipeline for Pinterest, which is such a visually based platform, but it’s certainly not impossible.
Following are a few ideas for how you can reimagine your blog content as highly visual content for Pinterest:
Visualize key points
Every quality blog post typically has several key points that support the main theme. Sometimes these individual points can make great bite-size content, so take advantage of this and reimagine them for Pinterest.
Try isolating the key points from your latest post and re-write them as short snippets of text – think something along the lines of a tweet. Then create or find a compelling, attention grabbing visual that illustrates each individual key point, and spend some time nicely laying out the associated text on the image.
Depending on the length of your article, and number of points or support points made, you could create a nice series of pins from a single blog post.
Graphically demonstrate stats, numbers, or anything you’ve quantified
If your blog post features statistics, or if you’ve quantified virtually anything, try to think of interesting ways to visually demonstrate those numbers and give them richer meaning to your audience.
Consider finding interesting or entertaining points of comparison, re-think how you create graphs and charts to make them more visually stimulating, or lay out your numbers on top of an image to give added context.
Create pin-worthy header images
This is a bit of a no-brainer, but try spending a bit of time on a key visual or header image for each of your articles.
The bit of added time you spend creating a stunning key visual will serve the dual purpose of also being interesting content for Pinterest.
Infographics for added information
Finally, think about how you can create a supplemental infographic to the content of you blog post. You could include a breakdown of key points with added context, give a more detailed analysis of any stats or numbers provided in your post, provide a detailed back story or ‘behind the scenes’ for interested audience members, or more.
There are a number of ways that you can create supplemental value for interested readers through the crafting of an infographic, or infographic-esque image. Get creative and give it a shot.
Have you ever converted blog content into valuable Pinterest pins?
Do you have any unorthodox sources of content for your Pinterest boards?

Keywords: Best Practices, Social Media Marketing, Content, Pinterest, ROI, Community Management, Blogging, Engagement, Infographics, Marketing, Social Media, Social Networks